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Aren't Men Just Women with an extra pair?

Men. Our partners, our friends, our role models.

They love us, support us, make us what we are. They inspire us, motivate us, pamper us the way we deserve. They spoil us, surprise us, arouse us like no other.

Yet…what about the times when they leave the jars open and slab dirty right after experimenting in the kitchen, just when you had spent an hour cleaning it in the morning?

What about the times when you find the dirty laundry right next to the laundry bag and not inside it?

Why can't men ever seem to find anything on their own? Or anything, unless it were kept in an untidy heap or in a random stack?

What about the times when he would just sit there, procrastinating!

Hahhahaahha.. there are times when admit it, the most loving man in your life gets onto your nerves and it goes the other way too. Sometimes, you too will drive him crazy! And that’s how weird this relationship between Mars and Venus is. This mutual weirdness is what you call as love <3

Anyway, in this post I write about those things which men just wouldn’t do! Things which are below their dignity maybe, things which they do because they are bored, maybe things which drive them really crazy, things which they do or do not do, simply because they are programmed that way!

Well! All women who live with men, can understand how I feel and what I mean to say ;)

Things which Men do, simply because they are programmed that way- 

1. Men just cannot find stuff even when it is labeled, right in front of them, or neatly folded and kept in a stack. My husband; just can’t!  I remember an instance when he just couldn’t find the Sugar bottle, which was kept right in front of him and kept on going, “Cheeni kahan hai? (Where is the sugar jar)” He’d always tell me, “There is order in chaos” and sometimes forbid me from moving his stuff around (which for me would be, setting things from a haphazard mess into an orderly settlement) LOL

2. Men just cannot look around all at once, let us blame their tunnel vision for this. If they are looking at a female whom they are attracted to they go like-


And they say all this through their eyes in a way which is awkward…just plain awkward! Poor men!And mind you, it is not like women don’t have a roving eye. It is just that we may have cast a glance at your butt without your even knowing that we did. 

3. Lie
It is not necessarily meant to harm you, it something that comes naturally to them. Maybe because they are too scared to upset you with the truth or want to avoid the drama. Little do they know, women are walking lie detectors...and with their harmless lying or hiding facts- they just need to brace themselves up for a shit storm coming their way! 

4.Crack lame jokes

Like seriously lame! *yawns*

5.  Procrastination
 She :" Babe, we gotta go to buy groceries" 
 He: " Ummmm.. babe, can't we go tomorrow, 'cause today I feel like doing nothing!" 

6. Try to aim clothes into the laundry basket

7. Have a basic Two emotion policy (usually!)

Things which Men don’t do, simply because they are programmed that way-

1.     Keep stuff back where they picked it up from, close doors - cupboards - jars, lights - anything!

2.     Take towel to a shower.

 "Babe! where's my towel!?"

3.     Keep clearing up as they cook or do some work

4.     Put the toilet seat down

5.     Remember all the dates, all the minute details

6.     Recognizing all the thousand colours that you see

7. Multitask

8. Following Instructions

Things which Men do, simply because they are bored maybe-

 1. Conduct weird experiments, dismantle stuff.
2. Procrastination
3.  Eavesdrop
4. Aimless wandering
5. Procrastination
6. Binge movie watching
7. Some more procrastination

Things which Men don't do, simply because it is below their dignity-

1. Ask for directions :
 Well, what should I say regarding this? It is a Cardinal sin for men! Need I say more?

Things which drive them crazy-

1. When you shake your head and say nothing happened when clearly, something did 

2. Being questioned or called up more than twice

3.   Not getting a direct yes or a no

4. When we cry too much, too often

 So, Men and women are different in certain aspects and that is how in spite of all their differences they fit together like pieces of puzzle and complete each other. They drive each other crazy, bang doors, speak harsh words, argue, but the best part is that they realise, all that does not come close to the relationship they share.

I've realised that Men can do all that a woman can do, and they do it well! ( Except giving birth because that is not physically possible) Men can cry, men can break down too. Men want an emotional connection and men don't want sex all the time. Men aren't very different from women. They are just women with balls! 

 Pics : Google


  1. Very well written..
    We all know it but we ignore it so we need to be told sometimes..
    And you told it in the most subtle manner.. excellent!

  2. I love the closing line so much. It conveys so much. Men are just women with balls! Had a hearty laugh reading and looking at certain points made and illustrations shared. Made for a great read with such a good mix of images and text. Very well paced! Kudos, Beccy🥂


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