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For the love of food!

 A wise man once said, " one should eat to live and not live to eat". Surely, we can't blame that poor fellow can we? He must have been deprived off, the joys of food. Why else would someone talk blasphemously? 

I happily belong to the category of people who Live to Eat. Food  i.e. Good Food brings contentment to my soul, a blast of flavours in my mouth having orgasmic value resulting in immeasurable joy.
Food does that for me, what most people can't! 

Most of you know this by now ( given; my posts on Facebook, Instagram & Zomato ) that I am a big time foodie and as far as I think, being a foodie is in my genes. Thanks to my Mum and Dad, if not for them, I wouldn't have ever known what 'Good Food' actually meant. :) So, right from my childhood, I would literally taste food-roll it on my tongue, as though I was a Food Taster or some sort of a Connoisseur! LOL

I remember, whenever I was nervous, upset, happy, sad, had my PMS, only one thing could calm me down - Food! as if there was some magic to it. I would be happy again :D

People use phrases like -  food for thought, food for the soul. Ever thought why? I'll tell you why. They have all understood what Food does to the stomach!  Also,when there is lack of food supply in your body you experience symptoms like:
Anger, Frustration, Mood Swings ( more like - Food Swings )

Haven't you heard that quote by Julia Child? I quote it very often!
"People who love to eat, are always the best people."

It is true. It is not just me who says so. The Bard says that too! and, who would dare to go against him? ;)

In Julius Caesar, Caesar tells his close associate; Marc Antony :
Let me have men about me that are fat,
Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights.
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look.
He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous.
that is-
I want the men around me to be fat, well fed, healthy-looking men who sleep well at night. That Cassius over there has a lean and hungry look. He thinks too much. Men like him are dangerous.
When you busy loving food, that is all you got on your mind. you have no time to sit and plot against another.

George Bernard Shaw said, "There is no greater love than love for food." 

How do you spot a Foodie?

Usually, those who love to cook/bake and experiment with dishes are foodies!

Foodies are usually happy go lucky ( unless they have a Food Swing!), easy going people.

They are usually using apps like Zomato, TripAdvisor, Urban Spoon etc. and can be seen taking pictures of their food. Then posting then on social media like- Carrot pudding topped with almonds and cashews! :P

When they see the Food they love -  they experience a condition called, Food Coma-

Who are chill and will usually meet over coffee and drinks! or, never cancel on plans where food is involved :P

They aren't stingy because the biggest portion of their entire salary is usually spent on food! :P

Weddings are super fun for them!

When they say, they're hungry and you mention the fact that they ate an hour ago. Their face looks like this-

When they arrive at a place and realise there ain't going to be served food, they go all -
When they meet someone who is a Vegan or a Non-Vegetarian turned Vegetarian [ in case of a Non-Vegetarian Foodie ] they are like -

When the food is set on the table and everyone is still busy talking. They be like -

When they know is a big fancy dinner plan and they have been preparing themselves since morning-

For them Food is the answer to all of life's question

When they are in deep thought they are usually -

Double tasking for them means-

Heart of heart, all they wish for is -

Dieting is a no-no! or, an almost herculean task for them!

If you want to make them happy:

And, most of the times their stomachs look like this on the inside:

Thank you for reading :) If you loved it, please hit the share button and proclaim to the world, with pride! ' I am a Foodie!' :D

Ok Bye. I am Hungry Now! Gotta Cook :)
Bon Appetit!

P.S. for those who dread the C word. Just know one thing.


  1. This post is indeed a food for thought. I am hungry after reading this :P

  2. Thank you, Unknown person ! :')


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