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Feminism & its origins

Writing on an issue like this, I was really skeptical; not knowing how it would be perceived. But I felt that it is high time that we get into the depths of this frequently used term, ‘Feminism’. To understand any movement, it is only smart to get to know why and how it came into existence Let’s acknowledge the fact that from ages the fibers of patriarchy have been woven into the fabric of human consciousness and consciously or unconsciously we all fell prey to it. It was and sometimes is, male dominated, identified and centered. It got so deep rooted that even the most basic of rights were not made available to women and they were okay with not having the same. The list of some of those might shock you. It took a century for women to be able to hold property on the same terms as men, serve on a jury, to cast votes, apply for bank loan, become an accountant or a lawyer, report marital rape, get equal pay (which still is a long way from equal!), get a safe abortion or bu...
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Educate yourself about history's worst form of bigotry through some of the finest cinematic productions.

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"O Stigma", why dost thou yet exist?

‘Social stigma  is the disapproval of, or   discrimination   against, a person based on apprehensible social characteristics the purpose of which is to distinguish them from other members of a society. Social stigmas are commonly related to  culture ,  gender ,  race , intelligence, sexual preference and health. ’ As Plato wrote in  The Laws , a dialogue on the ethics of government, ‘if anyone is caught committing sacrilege, if he be a slave or a stranger, let his offence be written on his face and his hands’. The word ‘Stigma’ finds its origins in a Greek word stig -, meaning to prick or to puncture, that means, a type of marking or a tattoo . Something that was cut or burned into the skin of criminals, slaves, or traitors in order to visibly identify them as morally polluted persons, in medieval times and even before. These individuals were to be avoided particularly in public places. Stigma may also be described as a label to ...