Educate yourself about history's worst form of bigotry through some of the finest cinematic productions.
Why I thought it was important to talk about history’s worst genocide, is for you to understand how one particular community was demonized under a fascist regime, an environment of hostility and indifference was created towards them. Around six million Jewish people in Europe were killed during the Holocaust, yet a survey found that 11% of Americans and 22% of Millennials, hadn't even heard of the Holocaust or weren't sure they had. The survey's respondents also indicated anti-Semitism and neo-Nazi remain issues today, with more than half saying they believe there are many neo-Nazis in the USA. It is important for you to know about it so you are able to spot the signs early on, the next time you see history repeat itself and this time since we’re so ‘woke’, I’m hoping we won’t just be passive by standers. What is Anti – Semitism & its Origins: Anti-Semitism is the belief or behavior hostile toward Jews just because they ar...