This time around I’m going to be talking about something that needs to be addressed and attended to, with immediate effect. It’s something that’s slowly killing many, if not physically (sometimes) then mentally and just because it’s not us or someone related to us, we don’t see the seriousness of the matter. The last thing you’d want is, to get up and close with the slow killer. When I use the word, ‘slow killer’; what comes to your mind? Cancer? AIDS? Any other such life threatening disease? But, that’s not what I’m writing about today. I’m here to talk about something that’s cancerous in the real sense of the word. It affects your entire body, eats you up, unlike the real cancer. I’m talking about Depression. I’ve seen it very closely in my life. I know what it does to you. It sucks the life out of us. It transforms you into this person, you can barely recognize. Heck, I am going to come out acknowledge that I have ...
I'm average-ish at articulating words.